Can Anabolic Steroids Cause Gynecomastia?

Yes, men who use anabolic steroids can end up with enlarged breasts due to imbalance of sex hormones leading to enlarged breast tissue. The use of androgenic drugs or substances like androgenic steroids or prohormones or even some prescription medications side effects include gynecomastia.


Dr Hassan Nurein Gynecomastia Surgery London and Sheffield, UK

Dr. Hassan Nurein is an experienced board certified gynecomastia surgeon specialising in gynecomastia treatment. He is helping hundreds of patients every year change their lives through gynecomastia surgery.

Book a complimentary consultation with Dr. Nurein to discuss treatment for gynecomastia. We offer consultations at our clinics across the UK, including London (Harley Street) and Sheffield. We also offer video consultations. Contact us for more information.